Additional Privacy Considerations - European Union (EU), United Kingdom (UK), Switzerland (CH) and European Economic Area (EEA)

In addition to the terms of our Micron Privacy Notice, 额外的隐私和数据保护条款适用于美光对欧盟个人数据的处理, UK, CH and EEA.

  1. Controlling Law: During your interactions with us, 您的个人数据的收集和处理将按照美光隐私声明的条款进行, as modified or supplemented by these additional provisions. 美光被认为是您信息的“控制者” EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”) and similar data privacy regulations.

    负责处理您的个人数据的美光实体将取决于您与我们互动的独特情况和适用的隐私规则, 其中可能包括欧盟通用数据保护条例2016/679(“GDPR”). 美光已采用内部政策和实施措施,以确保符合适用的法律要求,并使用适当的技术以尊重和谨慎的方式处理您的个人数据.
  2. Legal Basis: 适用的法律和政策要求美光拥有处理您的个人数据的“法律依据”.  适用的法律依据通常取决于数据的类型和处理数据的具体背景. Where the GDPR and similar laws apply, we typically rely on performance of a contract, our legitimate business interests, 或您的同意作为我们处理您个人数据的主要法律依据. 下面的图表提供了有关我们的每项处理活动以及相应的适用法律依据的更多细节.
    Micron’s Processing Activities Legal Bases to Process Your Personal Data
    Interact with you and provide our products and services to you
    1. Necessary for performance of our contracts with you
    2. Necessary for our legitimate interests, 包括管理我们与您的关系,以及了解人们如何使用我们的沙巴体育结算平台和服务
    3. Your consent
    Create, maintain and service your account with us
    1. Necessary for the performance of a contract with you
    2. 必须为我们的合法利益,如经营我们的业务和保持您的记录最新
    Conduct business with you through our platforms, functions, 网站或通过第三方视频会议等协作平台
    1. 这是我们与贵方开展业务的合法利益所必需的
    向您发送某些直接营销通信,并为您提供特定的营销, promotional or advertising content you request
    1. Your consent unless a legal exception applies
    2. Where no consent is required, 我们发送这些通信,因为这对我们的合法利益是必要的, including to promote and grow our business, 产生潜在的销售线索,并了解你可能感兴趣的是什么


    1. Your consent obtained through our website cookie tool
    Manage our relationship with you, 包括解决客户服务问题和通知您我们政策的变化
    1. Necessary for the performance of a contract with you
    2. Necessary for our legitimate interests, 比如经营我们的业务,了解我们的客户如何使用我们的沙巴体育结算平台和服务
    3. Your consent
    Conduct diagnostic, troubleshooting, repair, security, anti-fraud and other monitoring and security-related activities
    1. Necessary for our legitimate interests, including to run our business safely, protect our products, services and customers, provide administration and IT services, network security and to prevent fraud
    2. Necessary for the performance of a contract with you, including to enforce our terms, conditions and policies
    Conduct business planning, forecasting and reporting
    1. 为我们的合法利益所必需,包括有效经营和发展我们的业务
    2. 履行法律义务所必需的,如公司的财务要求
    1. Your consent
    2. Necessary for our legitimate interests, including to understand how you use our website and products, and to further develop our business
    Conduct data analytics to improve our products and services
    1. Necessary for our legitimate interests, including to understand how you use our website and products, and to further develop our business
    2. 您的同意(沙巴体育安卓版下载涉及在您的设备上存储信息或读取存储在那里的信息的处理方面)
    1. 您同意参与研究、研究或反馈表格


    1. 必须遵守法律义务,如健康、安全和平等法律
    2. Necessary for our legitimate interests, in securing our confidential data, IT infrastructure and facilities
    3. 您的同意(或在特殊类别个人资料的情况下明确同意)
    Process and manage your payments
    1. Necessary for the performance of a contract with you, 包括处理你的交易和收回未付款项
    2. Necessary for our legitimate interests to collect on obligations
    1. Necessary to comply with a legal obligation, 例如,当法院命令或其他政府机构要求我们时, or because of a regulatory requirement to do so
    2. 为了我们与你方合同相关的合法利益所必需的
  3. Managing Your Data:
    If consent is required for us to process your personal data, 您可随时通过沙巴体育结算平台撤销或修改该等同意.

    Upon request, 美光将向您提供我们持有的有关您的个人数据的副本, correct your personal data, or delete your personal data.
    • 您也有权反对我们处理您的个人数据.
    • 我们将在30天内对正确提交和核实的请求作出回应.
    请注意,根据法例,某些个人资料可豁免上述要求. To exercise any of these rights, please use our online form. Please note, we may request additional information from you, if necessary, 验证您的身份或在我们的系统中查找您的唯一记录.

  4. Contacting Us in the EU and the UK:
    Via email at

    Via direct mail:
    Individuals in France:
    Micron Semiconductor France, SAS
    Attention: Legal-Privacy
    23, avenue Carnot
    91300 MassyFrance 91300

    Individuals in Germany:
    Micron (Deutschland) GmbH
    Attention: Legal-Privacy
    Leopoldstrasse 250B
    Munich, D-80807

    Individuals in Italy:
    Micron Semiconductor Italia S.r.l.
    Attention: Legal-Privacy
    Via Trento, 26
    Vimercate, MB 20871, Italy

    Individuals in the UK:
    Micron Europe Limited
    Attention: Legal-Privacy
    Greenwood House
    London Road
    Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 2AA, UK

    Thomas Neumayer
    Micron (Deutschland) GmbH
    Attention: Legal-Privacy
    Leopoldstrasse 250B
    Munich, D-80807

    如果您担心美光是否遵守与您的欧盟个人数据隐私相关的法律, 您也可以联系您当地的隐私数据保护机构.